100 years of the crane | | | 2018 |
35 Miles from Shore: The Ditching and Rescue of ALM Flight 980 | III Corsetti Emilio | 9780977897100 | 2008 |
A Hotel is a Funny Place | Shelly Berman | 9780843114188 | 1985 |
A Human Error Approach to Aviation Accident Analysis: The Human Factors Analysis and Classification System | Douglas A. Wiegmann | 9780754618737 | 2003 |
Abenteuer Airport München-Riem | Karl-Heinz Seffer | 9783861378549 | 1999 |
Abenteurer der Lüfte: Die besten Geschichten über das Fliegen | Alexis von Croy | 9783492243353 | 2008 |
Absturz | Helmut Kreuzer | 9783980593434 | 2002 |
Aftermath | Flying Magazine | 9780830642823 | 1994 |
Aim/Far 1995: Airman’s Information Manual/Federal Aviation Regulations | | 9780070630840 | 1994 |
Air Accident Investigation: How Science Is Making Flying Safer | David Owen | 9781852605834 | 1998 |
Air Babylon | Imogen Edwards-Jones | 9780552155175 | 2006 |
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Air Crashes in the Lake District | M.J. Hurst | 9781853108747 | 1997 |
Air Crashes: What Went Wrong, Why, and What Can Be Done about It (Thomasson-Grant Aviation Library) | Richard L. Collins | 9781565660069 | 1992 |
Air Desaster: Katastrophen der Luftfahrtgeschichte | Xavier Waterkeyn | 9783765470080 | 2009 |
Air Disaster: 2 | MacArthur Job | 9781875671199 | 1996 |
Air Disaster: 3 | MacArthur Job | 9781875671342 | 1999 |
Air Disasters | Leo Marriott, Michael Sharpe, Stanley Stewart | | 1987 |
Air Disasters: 1 | MacArthur Job | 9781875671113 | 1995 |
Air Disasters: 4 | MacArthur Job | 9781875671489 | 2001 |
Air Disasters: The Truth Behind the Tragedies | Mike Sharpe | 9781840440263 | 1999 |
Air Rage: Crisis in the Skies | Andrew R. Thomas | 9781573929172 | 2001 |
Air Travel: How Safe Is It? | Laurie Taylor | 9780632031634 | 1991 |
Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports | James M. Walters | 9780071351492 | 2000 |
Aircraft Command Techniques: Gaining Leadership Skills to Fly the Left Seat | SalJ Fallucco | 9780754618355 | 2002 |
Aircraft Safety: Accident Investigations, Analyses & Applications: Accident Investigations, Analyses and Applications | Shari Stamford Krause | 9780070360273 | 1996 |
Aircraft Safety: Accident Investigations, Analyses, & Applications, Second Edition: Accident Investigations, Analyses and Applications | Shari Krause | | 1996 |
Airframe | Michael Crichton | 9780345412997 | 1997 |
Airlife’s Register of Aircraft Accidents: Facts, Statistics and Analysis of Civil Accidents Since 1951 | Antonio Bordoni | 9781853109027 | 1997 |
Airline Operation | Helge Chr. Wieske-Hartz | 9783925671302 | 2000 |
Airline: Identity, Design and Culture | Keith Lovegrove | 9783823854609 | 2000 |
Airliner Tech V03 Airbus Indus | Scott Germain | 9781580070027 | 1999 |
Akte Flugunfall | Thomas Borchert | 9783956134101 | 2014 |
Alaska’s Sky Follies: The Funny Side of Flying in | Joe Rychetnik | 9780945397441 | 1995 |
Alle meine Flüge | Rudolf Braunburg | | 1965 |
Artisten am Himmel. Die Geschichte der Kunstflugstaffeln 1921 bis heute | Manfred Leihse | 9783879439089 | 1989 |
Astro Navigation ohne Formeln – praxisnah. | Bobby Schenk | 9783768802598 | 1986 |
Atlantic Pilot Atlas | James Clarke | 9780070119215 | 1997 |
Attitude or Latitude?: Australian Aviation Safety (Studies in Aviation Psychology and Human Factors) | Graham R. Braithwaite | 9780754617099 | 2001 |
Aus dem Tagebuch eines Flugkapitäns. 15 dokumentarische Erzählungen | Hermann Terjung | 9783924208011 | 1987 |
Aus Mangel an Bewusstsein: Crash! | Awad Thomas Fakoussa | 9783831119622 | 2001 |
Aviation Disasters: The World’s Major Civil Airliner Crashes Since 1950 | David Gero | 9781852605261 | 1996 |
Aviation Firsts: 336 Questions and Answers (Dover Transportation) | Joshua Stoff | 9780486412450 | 2000 |
Aviation Weather Services | Noaa Usdot Federal Aviation | 9781560272298 | 1995 |
Aviation’s Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of Winged Wonders, Lucky Landings, and Other Aerial Oddities | Steven A. Ruffin | 9781574886740 | 2005 |
Avionic Systems | James W. Wasson | 9780891004363 | 1994 |
Behind the Cockpit Door | Arthur Whitlock | 9780863037450 | 1996 |
Beyond Aviation Human Factors: Safety in High Technology Systems | Neil Johnston | 9780291398222 | 1995 |
Beyond the Black Box: The Forensics of Airplane Crashes | George Bibel | 9780801886317 | 2007 |
Big Lift. Die Berliner Luftbrücke. 26. Juni bis 30. September 1949 | John Provan | 9783861087069 | 1998 |
Black Box | Christian Wolf, Jan-Arwed Richter | 9783862453245 | 2014 |
Black Box: Clues to Why a Plane Goes Down | Nicholas Faith | 9780760304006 | 1997 |
Bluff Your Way on the Flight Deck. (Bluffers Guides) | Ken Beere | 9781902825502 | 1999 |
Boeing 757/767 Simulator Checkride Procedures Manual | Mike Ray | 9780936283029 | 1997 |
Cessna 425 Conquest I Pilot’s Information Manual | | | 1980 |
Cessna 441 Conquest / Conquest II Information Manual | | | 1980 |
Cleared for Take-Off: Behind the Scenes of Air Travel | Stephen Barlay | 9781856261739 | 1995 |
Cockpit Resource Management | | 9780127500263 | 1995 |
Coffee, Tea or Me?: The Uninhibited Memoirs of Two Airline Stewardesses | Donald Bain | | 2003 |
Collision Course: The Truth About Airline Safety | Ralph Nader | 9780070459878 | 1995 |
Comets and Concordes | Peter Duffey | 9781888962109 | 2000 |
Commander (Buch III): Ein Bericht | Heino Caesar | | 2014 |
Commercial Aviation Safety (Aviation Week Book) | | 9780071374101 | 2001 |
Concorde. Ikone des zivilen Überschallflugs | Frédéric Beniada; Michel Fraile | 9783768818063 | 2006 |
Concorde. Ikone des zivilen Überschallflugs | Frédéric Beniada; Michel Fraile | 9783768818063 | 2006 |
Controlling Pilot Error: Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT/CFTT) (Controlling Pilot Error Series) | Daryl Smith | | 2001 |
Crash : Flugzeugunfälle 1945 – heute. | Hengi (Hrsg.) Krauthäuser B. I. und Josef | 9783925671135 | 1993 |
Crashtest: Die verborgenen Risiken des Fliegens (German Edition) | Andreas Spaeth | | 2016 |
Cross border information | Heike Schweigert | 9783871970115 | 2016 |
Darker Shades of Blue: The Rogue Pilot | Tony Kern | 9780070349278 | 1999 |
Das Arbeitsverhältnis der Berufsflugzeugführer | Hans-Gerhard Roßmann | | 1996 |
Das Arbeitsverhältnis der Besatzungsmitglieder in Luftfahrtunternehmen | Roland Schmid | 9783472031710 | 1997 |
Das grosse internationale Papierflieger-Buch | Jerry Mander | 9783776502718 | 1979 |
Deadly Departure: Why The Experts Failed To Prevent The TWA Flight 800 Disaster And How It Could Happen Again | Christine Negroni | 9780060194772 | 2000 |
Der den Kopf riskiert: Roman | Gunter Göring | 9783929017007 | 1991 |
Der Europa-Jet | Harold Mansfield | | 1967 |
Der Flughafen | Edward G. Blankenship | 9783775700825 | 1974 |
Der Kapitän (Buch II) 1-4 | Heino Caesar | 9783735727435 | 2014 |
Der lange Weg nach vorne links | Rudi Rödig | | 1998 |
Der Lotse. | Frederick Forsyth | 9783426005149 | 1975 |
Der Luftfahrzeugführer. Seine Rechte und Pflichten | Elmar Giemulla | 9783472002062 | 1990 |
Der Pilot Traum, Beruf, Abenteuer; von der Faszination des Fliegens | Rudolf Braunburg | 9783766710086 | 1991 |
Der Privatflugzeugführer, Grundlagen der Flugwetterkunde, Band 2 | Wolfgang Kühr | 9783921270080 | 1998 |
Der Privatflugzeugführer, Luftrecht, Luftverkehrs- und Flugsicherungsvorschriften (PPL A-C), Band 5 | Wolfgang Kühr | 9783921270134 | 1997 |
Der rätselhafte Fluggast | Hans Hempe | | 1964 |
Der strapazierte Himmel | Hermann Terjung | 9783924208103 | 1988 |
Der Traum vom Fliegen | Martin Bullinger | 9783929232059 | 2001 |
Der Wüstenprinz. Auf den Spuren von Antoine de Saint- Exupery | Bernard Weber | 9783765811951 | 1998 |
Desert Airliners (Airlife’s Colour) | Graham Robson | 9781853104046 | 1994 |
Destination Disaster | Andrew Brookes | 9780711028623 | 2002 |
Deutsche Passagier – Luftfahrt von 1955 bis heute | Joachim Wölfer | 9783813204773 | 1999 |
Deutscher Flugzeugbau – Handbuch der Luftfahrttechnik | | | 1942 |
Die Fliegerschule A/B | Peter R. Holm | | 1942 |
Die Flugzeuge der Deutschen Lufthansa 1926 bis heute | Erich H. Heimann | 9783613011236 | 1994 |
Die Geschichte der Luftfahrt | | 9783860708248 | 1999 |
Die grössten Flugzeug-Katastrophen. | Mike Sharpe | 9783811216709 | 1998 |
Die Klimate der Erde | Peter Schröder | 9783131190512 | 2000 |
Die Strasse der Piloten | C. C. Bergius | | 1959 |
Die Straße zum Himmel | Heino Caesar | 9783837033625 | 2009 |
Die Super – Flugzeuge der Welt. | Hans G. Isenberg | 9783806847741 | 1996 |
Die Super- Flugzeuge der Welt | Hans Georg Isenberg | 9783809404538 | 2000 |
Die wundersame Welt des Fliegens | Katja Schnitzler | 9783864971143 | |
Die Zeit im Fluge | | | 2005 |
Disaster in the Air | Andrew Brookes | 9780711020375 | 1994 |
Disasters in the Air: Mysterious Air Disasters Explained: The Truth About Mysterious Air Tragedies | Jan Bartelski | 9781840372045 | 2000 |
Durch Die Weite Welt – Das Grosse Buch Für jeden Jungen – 44. Band | Pit (Zusammengestellt) Franckh | | 1970 |
Early Aviation Disasters: The World’s Major Airliner Crashes Before 1950 | David Gero | 9780752459875 | 2011 |
Einführung in die Physik des Fliegens | K. Schütt | | 1943 |
Einweisungslehrgang Argus-Flugmotor As 410 | | | |
Emergency | Stanley Stewart | 9781853100314 | 1989 |
Enzyklopädie der Flugzeuge : Technik, Modelle, Daten. | | 9783893500550 | 1991 |
Exit Row: The Inside Story of Flight 965, Four Miraculous Survivors and What Airlines Do When Disaster Strikes | Tammy L. Kling | 9781570718601 | 2002 |
Failure Is Not an Option: Mission Control From Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond | Gene Kranz | 9781439148815 | 2009 |
Faszination Freiheit – Die spektakulärsten Fluchtgeschichten | Bodo Müller | 9783861532163 | 2008 |
Fatal Words: Communication Clashes and Aircraft Crashes | Steven Cushing | 9780226132013 | 1997 |
Fatigue in Aviation: A Guide to Staying Awake at the Stick (Studies in Aviation Psychology and Human Factors) | Caldwell John A | 9780754633006 | 2003 |
Feuer an Bord!: Flugunfälle: Hintergründe, Ursachen und Konsequenzen | Christian Wolf | 9783765472138 | 2004 |
Fliegen ist für alle da – Die Geschichte der LTU. Von der Vickers Viking zum Airbus A 330 | Josef Krauthäuser | 9783925671210 | 1996 |
Fliegen lernen | Sebastian Meschenmoser | 9783480220670 | 2005 |
Fliegen, Vom Propeller zum Düsenantrieb | Neuer Kaiser Verlag | 9783704360304 | 1997 |
Flieger-Erinnerungen | G. Schmuttermayer | | 1931 |
Fliers: In Their Own Words | Katie Goode | 9781560271956 | 1994 |
Flight Discipline | Tony T. Kern | 9780070343719 | 1998 |
Flight into Fear: The Captain’s Story | Devi Saran | 9780140297553 | 2003 |
Flight Stress: Stress, Fatigue, and Performance in Aviation | Alan F. Stokes | 9780291398062 | 1994 |
Flightdeck Performance: The Human Factor | David O’Hare | 9780813801735 | 1990 |
Flights of Terror: Aerial Hijack and Sabotage Since 1930 | David Gero | 9781852605124 | 1997 |
Flights to Disaster | Andrew Brookes | 9780711024755 | 1996 |
Flights to Hell: The Investigation of Flying Accidents and the Development of Air Safety | Allan Edwards | 9780946537815 | 1993 |
Flug außer Kontrolle | Jochen W. Braun | | 2012 |
Flug in die Hölle | Hans Bertram | | 1955 |
Flug in Gefahr. | Arthur und John Castle Hailey | 9783548029269 | 1973 |
Flug Swissair 111. Die Katastrophe von Halifax und ihre Folgen | Tim van Beveren | 9783858423627 | 1999 |
Flugdienst- und Ruhezeiten von Flugdienstbesatzungsmitgliedern. Ein Kommentar zur 2. DV LuftBO | Ronald Schmid | 9783472010562 | 1992 |
Flugführungssysteme. Blindfluginstrumente, Autopiloten, Flugsteuerungen | Kurt Kracheel | 9783763761050 | 1998 |
Flugkatastrophen, die die Welt bewegten | Stanley Stewart | 9783763758593 | 1998 |
Flugunfälle und ihre Ursachen. Menschliches Versagen? | Ronald Hurst | 9783613011182 | 1997 |
Flugunfälle: Ursachen – Untersuchungen: Flugunfalluntersuchung in Deutschland | Christian-Heinz Schuberdt | 9783613029767 | 2008 |
Flugwetterkunde | Willy Eichenberger | 9783613016835 | 1995 |
Flugzeug Katastrophen (Flugzeugkatastrophen) | unbekannt | 9783811212961 | 1995 |
Fly the Wing | James L. Webb | 9780813805412 | 1990 |
Flying | Henry Sutton | 9780340717332 | 2001 |
Flying Blind, Flying Safe | Mary Schiavo | | 1998 |
Flying Out of Danger: A Pilot’s Guide to Safety | Avram Goldstein | 9789995483579 | 1995 |
Flying the Edge: Operation at the Threshold of Optimum Performance | Brian McAllister | 9781853108655 | 1997 |
Forschungsbericht / Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung ; Nr. 261 Arbeitsbedingungen von Flugpersonal : Literaturrecherche über d. Arbeitsbedingungen d. fliegenden Personals von Luftfahrtges. | Günter:: Minas | 9783883141510 | 1981 |
Frankfurt Airport 19. Juni ’85, 14.42 Uhr. Anatomie eines Attentats | Dieter Gräbner | 9783891361504 | 1990 |
Free Flight: Inventing the Future of Travel: From Airline Hell to a New Age of Travel | James Fallows | 9781586480400 | 2001 |
Freefall | William Hoffer | 9780312922740 | 1990 |
GERMANWINGS 4U9525 -Das WARUM und die Folgen | Ralph Eckhardt | 9783038301493 | |
Great Aviation Stories: Vol 1 | Michael Barry | 9780951538746 | 1993 |
Grundlagen der Flugmechanik für Starrflügelflugzeuge. Lehrbuch | Hermann Drumm | 9783327006818 | 1989 |
Guide to the Flight Review: Complete Preparation for Issuing or Taking a Flight Review | Jackie Spanitz | 9781560277781 | 2010 |
Guten Flug | Caroline Stöppler | 9783898119030 | 2001 |
Handling the Big Jets: An Explanation of the Significant Difference in Flying Qualities Between Jet Transport Aeroplanes and Piston Engined Transpor | David P. Davies | 9780903083010 | 1972 |
Hell on High Ground: Guide to Aircraft Hill Crash Sites in the UK and Ireland: 1 | David W. Earl | 9781853105692 | 1995 |
Hell on High Ground: World War II Air Crash Sites: Guide to Aircraft Hill Crash Sites in the UK and Ireland: 2 | David W. Earl | 9781840370829 | 2002 |
Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters | Jeffrey Zaslow | | 2009 |
Hijacked: The True Story Of The Heroes Of Flight 705 | Dave Hirschman | 9780688152673 | 1997 |
Himmelhoch | | 9783446247338 | |
Himmelstochter | Jane Mendelsohn | 9783871343056 | 1999 |
Hochgeschwindigkeits-Aerodynamik | F. Dubs | 9783034859240 | 1961 |
Hölle am Himmel. Sonderausgabe | Will Berthold | | 1980 |
Hotelmärchen aus Märchenhotels. Text deutsch / englisch | Georg A. Weth | 9783800412358 | 1996 |
Human Error: By Design? | Simon Bennett | 9781899287727 | 2001 |
Human Factors in Aviation Operations: Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the European Association for Aviation Psychology: Proceedings of the 21st … for Aviation Psychology (EAAP): 003 | Ray Fuller | 9780291398253 | 1995 |
Human Factors in Flight | Frank H. Hawkins | 9781857421354 | 1993 |
Human Factors in Multi-Crew Flight Operations | Harry W. Orlady | 9780291398390 | 1999 |
Hundert Jahre Deutsche Luftfahrt. Lilienthal und seine Erben | unbekannt | 9783570070604 | 1992 |
I Learned about Flying from That, Vol. 3 | Flying Magazine | 9780830642809 | 1993 |
I Learned about Flying from That: From the Pages of „Pilot Magazine“ | Various Various | 9781874783459 | 1993 |
Ich habe einen Freundm der ist Pilot | | 9783551086266 | |
Ich heiße Bobby | Esmeralda Endruweit | 978-3-932653-09-4 | 2001 |
IFR kompakt | Winfried Kassera | 9783613040915 | 2019 |
Impulsgeber Luftfahrt | Jens Olthoff, Martin Hinsch | 9783642326691 | 2013 |
Inside the Sky: A Meditation on Flight (Vintage Departures) | William Langewiesche | 9780679750079 | 1999 |
Instrument Rating Test Prep 2012: Study and Prepare for the Instrument Rating, Instrument Flight Instructor (Cfii), Instrument Ground Instructor, and | | 9781560278511 | 2011 |
International Airline Phrase Book in Six Languages | Joseph Bator | 9780486220178 | 1969 |
Jet-Airliner-Unfälle seit 1952 | Christian Wolf, Jan-Arwed Richter | 9783923314133 | 1991 |
JP Airline-fleets international 96/97 | Ulrich Klee | | 1996 |
Kommentar zur Luftverkehrs-Ordnung (LuftVO) | Joseph Föh, Karlheinz Vierheilig | | 1965 |
Längengrad | Dava Sobel | 9783827002143 | 2000 |
Legend and Legacy: The Story of Boeing and Its People | Robert J. Serling | 9780312058906 | 1992 |
Lotsenpech. Ein Fluglotsen (Book on Demand) | Werner Herrmann | 9783898111607 | 1999 |
Luftfahrt | Günter Meyer | | 1959 |
Luftfahrt- Katastrophen. Unfälle mit Passagierflugzeugen seit 1950 | David Gero | 9783613015807 | 1996 |
Luftfahrt-Handbücher Flugmedizin | | | 1990 |
Lufthansa Jahrbuch ’89 | | | 1989 |
Lufthansa Jahrbuch ’92 | | | 1992 |
Lufthansa: An Airline and Its Aircraft | R. E. G. Davies | 9780962648335 | 1991 |
Luftverkehr | Walter Rathjen | | 1990 |
Luftverkehrsgesetz (LuftVG) in der Fassung vom 22. Oktober 1965 | Ohne Autor | | 1965 |
Luftverkehrsrecht | Norbert Kämper | 9783406353161 | 2003 |
Mayday (Australian Aviation) | John F. Winslow | 9781875671564 | 2002 |
Mayday! Flug ins Unglück: Flugunfälle: Hintergründe, Ursachen und Konsequenzen | Christian Wolf | 9783765470448 | 2006 |
McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (Airliner Color History) | Gunter Endres | 9780760306178 | 1998 |
McDonnell Douglas MD-11: A Long Beach Swansong (Aerofax) | Arthur A. C. Steffen | 9781857801170 | 2002 |
Menschenraub – Flugzeugentführungen – Geiselnahme – Kidnapping historische und moderne Erscheinungsformen | Wolf Middendorff | 9783769403138 | 1972 |
Menschliche Zuverlässigkeit – Massnahmen zur Eingrenzung menschlichen „Versagens“. Gemeinschaftstagung VDI und DGLR am 21. + 22. Mai 1992 in München | | 9783922010692 | 1992 |
Modern Air Transport: Worldwide Air Transport from 1945 to Present: Worldwide Air Transport 1945 to the Present (History of Aircraft) | | 9780851778778 | 1998 |
Moderne Flugmeteorologie | Manfred Reiber | 9783817115624 | 1998 |
More I Learned about Flying from That | | 9780830633173 | 1989 |
Nine Minutes, Twenty Seconds: The Tragedy and Triumph of ASA Flight 529 | Gary M. Pomerantz | 9780609606339 | 2001 |
Notlandung: Flugunfälle: Hintergründe, Ursachen und Konsequenzen | Jan-Arwed Richter | 9783765470004 | 2009 |
Ohne Landeerlaubnis | Friedhelm Werremeier | 9783499422201 | 1971 |
On a Wing and a Prayer: Interviews with Airline Disaster Survivors | Malcolm Macpherson | 9780060959784 | 2002 |
Papierflugzeuge. Weltrekorde zum Nachbauen | Ken Blackburn | 9783829005142 | 2002 |
Pax, Slips and Dunlops. 65 years of Qantas in-flight service | Various | | 2003 |
Pilot und Hostess | Ernst Wetter | | 1964 |
Plane Insanity: A Flight Attendant’s Tales of Sex, Rage, and Queasiness at 30,000 Feet | Elliott Hester | 9780312310066 | 2003 |
Prägung (German Edition) | Dieter Steffen | 9783738660272 | 2015 |
Redefining Airmanship | Anthony T. Kern | 9780070342842 | 1997 |
Rodscher. Komik zwischen Himmel und Erde | | 9783893654673 | 1995 |
Runter kommen sie immer: Die verschwiegenen Risiken des Flugverkehrs | Tim van Beveren | 9783593356884 | 1997 |
Say Coffee or Tea | Martin Leeuwis, Ton van Andel | 9080037559 | 2001 |
Say No More | Vanan del | 9789080037526 | 1991 |
Skyfaring | Mark Vanhoenacker | 9780099589853 | 2015 |
Slipping the Surly Bonds: Great Quotations on Flight | Dave English | 9780070220164 | 1998 |
Sorry, wir haben die Landebahn verfehlt: Kurioses aus dem Cockpit | Antje Blinda | 9783548373263 | 2010 |
SOS in den Wolken | Jochen W. Braun | 9783862453313 | 2013 |
Space Shuttle Operator’s Manual, Revised Edition | Kerry Mark Joels | 9780345341815 | 1988 |
Sportfliegen. Ein fröhliches Wörterbuch | Bernhard Pfendtner | 9783823101413 | 1995 |
Start und Ziel: Berlin | | | 1985 |
Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying | Wolfgang Langewiesche | 9780070362406 | 1990 |
Superflieger aus Papier | Paul Jackson | 9783551130341 | 1999 |
Takeoffs Are Optional Landings Are Mandatory: Airline Pilots Talk About Deregulation, Safety, and the Future of Commercial Aviation | Penelope Grenoble O’Malley | 9780813824147 | 1993 |
The $100 Hamburger – A Pilots‘ Guide | John Purner | 9780692488416 | 2015 |
The Air Charter Guide | | | 1992 |
The Airport | James Kaplan | 9780688149543 | 1996 |
The Black Box | Malcolm Macpherson | 9780006530459 | 1998 |
The Cessna 172 | Bill Clarke | 9780830642946 | 1993 |
The crane soars higher | | | 2018 |
The Crash Detectives: Investigating the World’s Most Mysterious Air Disasters | Christine Negroni | | 2016 |
The Forbidden Diary: A B-24 Navigator Remembers | John Lawrence Stewart | 9780071581875 | 1998 |
The Life and Times of Pilot Officer Prune: The Official Story of Tee Emm: Being the Official Story of Tee Emm | Tim Hamilton | 9780117726291 | 1991 |
The Modern Airliner | Peter W. Brooks | 9780897450119 | 1982 |
The Mystery of Flight 427: Inside an Investigation | Bill Adair | 9781588340054 | 2002 |
The Naked Pilot: The Human Factor in Aircraft Accidents | DAVID BEATY | | 2011 |
The Pilot’s Burden: Flight Safety and the Roots of Pilot Error | Robert N. Buck | 9780813823577 | 1994 |
The Pilot’s Wife: A Novel (Oprah’s Book Club) | Anita Shreve | 9780316601955 | 1999 |
The Pilots` Free Flight Atlas Europe | Mark Patterson | 9783000036484 | 1999 |
The Plane Truth! Shift Happens at 35,000 Feet | A. Frank Steward | 9781570232114 | 2003 |
The Plane Truth: Airline Crashes, the Media, and Transportation Policy | Roger W. Cobb | 9780815771999 | 2003 |
The Proficient Pilot | Barry Schiff | 9781560274568 | 1985 |
The Proficient Pilot II | Barry J. Schiff | 9781560272823 | 2001 |
The Proficient Pilot III: Flying Wisdom | | | 1997 |
Thermische Antriebe für Luftfahrzeuge | Sigurd Hufnagel | | 1970 |
They Called It Pilot Error: True Stories Behind General Aviation Accidents | Robert L. Cohn | 9780830644636 | 1994 |
Thunder in the Heavens. Klassische US- Flugzeuge aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg | | 9783860703649 | 1997 |
Turbulent Skies: The History of Commercial Aviation (Sloan Technology) | T. A. Heppenheimer | 9780471196945 | 1998 |
Über Wolken und Wüsten | Manfred Nayer | | 1948 |
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Verkehrsflugzeuge – Band I: Langstreckenmaschinen | | | 1972 |
Verkehrsflugzeuge – Band II: Mittel- und Kurzstreckenmaschinen | | | 1972 |
Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook. For High Wing Aircraft | ohne | | 1989 |
Vom Fliegen | Wolfgang Hütt | | 1978 |
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Wenn der Himmel uns küsst | Helen Humphreys | 9783462027891 | 1999 |
When the Airlines Went to War | Robert J. Serling | 9781575662466 | 1997 |
Why Airplanes Crash: Aviation Safety in a Changing World | Clinton V. Oster Jr. | | 1992 |
Why Airplanes Crash: Aviation Safety in a Changing World | Clinton V. Oster Jr. | 9780195072235 | 1992 |
Wie ich lernte, das Fliegen zu hassen: Abgründige Erlebnisse über den Wolken | Henry Mintzberg | 9783593367088 | 2001 |
Wie im Flug. Die 50jährige Geschichte der Flughafen München GmbH | Ingo Anspach | 9783492040716 | 1999 |
Wie sicher ist Fliegen? | Sepp Moser | 9783280016657 | 1986 |
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Wind, Sand und Sterne | Antoine de Saint-Exupery | 9783792000335 | 2000 |
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World Directory of Airline Crashes: A Comprehensive Record of More Than 10,000 Passenger Aircraft Accidents | Terry Denham | 9781852605544 | 1996 |
Zivilflugzeuge | | 9783811885684 | 1991 |
Zivilflugzeuge, 1920-1964 | David Donald | 9783828953451 | 1999 |